Sunday, May 20, 2012


 I'm in the process of having brochures created for the Sweet Water Kenya project, which required taking time to carefully select photos which support the reality of my experiences in this dry area of Kenya. 

As I looked at these two photos, I realize that you the viewer would not know that these two photos were actually taken in the same location just some meters apart. On the very same hot and dry sand of the same dried up river in Kitui Kenya. 
The cattle and the children in the same situation..needing water..
I didn't take a photo of the shepherd or attendant of the cattle who was also there, guiding them to and from the water. A man who made sure each animal received its share. Maybe he was concerned because some of the animals were beginning to waste. I could see their ribs becoming very prominent.  I could see a few bullocks and calves in the midst of the herd. I'm certain the owner had concerns on whether those young ones will ever grow into strong cows or bulls. Bulls that can plow and sow, bulls that can pull carts filled with crops, tools, lumber or coal. I'm certain that he was aware of the chance that this very small pool of water being gone in  a few days was dangerously great. My spirit was heavy as I watched the scene. I wanted to say something to encourage the man, to give him hope but he didn't speak English. My spirit cried
in silence. I remembered my calves and feet aching as I walked along in the deep sand stepping over the animal and sometimes human waste that lie drying in the sand.As we looked at what seemed like miles of sand which used to be a flowing river..I have a photo in my collection of a draw bridge..the irony..even the bridge has lost its ships no storms no purpose of function for this bridge!

Then I returned my attention back to the children who had been searching for a spot to dig. A spot which had a different color which indicates moisture..a spot where they could dig for an amount of water which would be sufficient for each household they represented. Hmmm..when I looked around the children were one there to guide them on where to dig or if the water was ok to drink. No one to steer them a safe distance from the water where the cattle had been. No one to flick out and separate the animal and human waste. No one to promise that there was going to be water there tomorrow. I'm thinking now as I reflect back on how most of them were filthy and wearing rags. Dirty rags I might add. Not all of them , but, now I'm wondering where did  those particular children take the little water they gathered? Did they have to decide whether to use it for cooking or drinking and how many people had to share those small containers of water..
I've been thinking about them today and we are praying a lot at our local church for all the youth of the world. These children who can be our future leaders of ever sphere of society in every nation.
Join us in prayers for the farmers and the children! 

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